Network for Sustainable Tourism and Economic Development in Africa (NSTEDAfrica), Zimbabwe

by Nathan ZIngoni, founder | | [email protected] | +263774371526

Network for Sustainable Tourism and Economic Development in Africa (NSTEDAfrica) is a program developed by the Zimflame Foundation Trust (ZFT), a Harare based registered nonprofitable organization (0000134/2014).

This program is intended to bring closer together all parties who are interested in, or involved in the development of sustainable tourism offers for commercial purposes, be they Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Community Based Organisations, Specialised Interest groups, Private Organisations involved in Tourism, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Academic Institutions, Local and National Authorities or tourism professionals and all tourism interested and related parties.

The overall objective of the Network Programme is to contribute to economic growth and poverty alleviation in Africa through increased competitiveness and sustainability of the continent’s tourism sector by bringing in various activities that are tourism related like Workshops, Conferences, Festivals, Developmental and Support programs.

The Network will be based on five principles namely

i. Strategic planning and envisioning;

ii. Tourism Product development;

iii. Economic Development;

iv. Training and technical assistance;

v. Branding and marketing the Network;

NSTEDAfrica will achieve Networking

i. Education and Training,

ii. Research and Development

iii. Conservation and Preservation

iv. Financial stability Strengthening

To achieve this, all of Africa needs to be aligned and working together towards a sustainable future and therefore, by joining the African Tourism Board, we strongly seek support; validation and endorsement that will help us launch and implement this Network in Africa and subsequently the whole world.