Netumbo Nashandi, Chairperson
P O Box 2548
[email protected] |
The Federation of Namibian Tourism Associations (FENATA), is the voice of the private sector of the tourism industry in Namibia in support of environmental sustainability, growth and development of our tourism products for national economic stability and increased business opportunities.
The dynamism and growth of the Namibian Tourism Industry is reflected in the success and strength of FENATA. FENATA represents the different tourism products in Namibia, including car hire (CARAN), accommodation facilities (HAN), tour operators (TASA), professional hunters (NAPHA), community based tourism enterprises (NACSO), tourism products within Communal Conservancies, travel agents (ANTA), tour guides (TAN), emerging tourism entrepreneurs (ETEA) and businesses selling commodities to tourists – totalling TEN member associations.
Some of FENATAs objectives include: lobbying the Government of Namibia on tourism related issues, especially the relevant Ministries, for the establishment and proper running of tourism structures, bodies and institutions within the country; assisting in generic advertising of Namibia as a quality tourism destination in order to promote both the interests of members and of the country as a whole; liaising and co-operating with members of similar Associations and organisations across the world to promote Tourism in Namibia.
As we strive to recover the tourism sector, it is imperative that we collaborate regionally, continentally and internationally with organisations that operate in similar spaces – with the expectation of proactively forging the way ahead for the new normal. African Tourism Boards’ wide network reach will assist FENATA to meet those objectives – particularly connecting our members to the African market – that has not been a traditional target source market.